Constructive CAD CE • Modeling in AutoCAD

  BMEEPAG0249elective course2021-22-2  

Vencel Kustra 


Simple Model

Chess piece is a game piece used for playing chess. Chess pieces are distinguished by appearance and made of rigid material such as wood, ivory, or plastic or glass, or, like in my case, composite. The six different types of pieces are: king, rook, bishop, queen, knight, and pawn. I made a bishop.




Complex Model

The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paray-le-Monial is a masterpiece of Romanesque art, and a small-scale version of the famous Cluny Abbey. The church was built in the 12th century by Hugues de Semur, the most important of the abbots of Cluny, on the site of a 10th-century monastery founded by count Lambert of Chalon.
